Treating Frozen Shoulder (50+ shoulder) with Acupuncture
“Where there is stagnation, there is pain. Where there is no stagnation, there is no pain.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb A common ailment for people
We are located at 201 East 56th Street, New York. Please call (212) 991-8680 or send us an email
You can book your appointment with us via email or through your ZocDoc account.
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help to restore hormonal and emotional balance during all stages of her journey.
For women, it stimulates blood flow to the uterus and helps support implantation. And for men, acupuncture may improve motility and morphology after only a few months.
Activating the body’s various systems, may help reduce bouts of bodily discomfort while also lessening the frequency of outbreaks (i.e. migraines).
Needles stimulate the muscles through contraction and relaxation, allowing free blood flow in the tissues. This treatment is beneficial for sufferers of heartburn, IBS, gastritis and more.
We offer an “anti-aging” treatment that involves the placement of very fine needles into specific points along the face and neck.
The Bestselling book Co-Authored by Iris Netzer-Greenfield is now available in ebook.
“Where there is stagnation, there is pain. Where there is no stagnation, there is no pain.” – Ancient Chinese Proverb A common ailment for people
In the tapestry of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), winter time is viewed as a season of nurturing, introspection, and conservation. It symbolizes the time when
The holiday season is a time of giving, and what better gift to give yourself or to others, than the gift of health and wellness?
To schedule your acupuncture treatment or to find out how we can help you, please call (212) 991 8680 or send us an email Appointments are available early until late Monday-Saturday.
Give the gift of Acupuncture and order your Acupuncture Remedies™ Gift Certificate today!
Conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan