When I was in acupuncture school years ago, my fellow students and I always lamented the fact that there were no acupuncture costumes available to purchase. Specifically, we wanted a bodysuit with all the acupuncture meridians and points on it, so we would look like the model in the charts you see hanging up in every acupuncturist’s office. Lo and behold, as I was looking online the other day I came across something in that very vein…acupuncture socks!
Ok, so while these alone would not constitute an entire costume, (unless your party was x-rated) they are at least a good and amusing beginning! They would also make a fun teaching gift; while the acupuncture points are situated slightly differently on each individual, it would be a good starting guide for the average person to learn where the leg points are approximately located. If you got these as a gift, you could reap the benefits by using them to get a killer acupressure massage from your honey; or at the very least have warm and cozy toes.
Right now, it looks like these socks are the closest I’m going to get to an “Acupuncture Man” costume for Halloween. On the brighter side, NOT wearing a skintight bodysuit will allow me the ability to enjoy some of my kid’s Halloween candy without worrying about how I look in a skintight bodysuit.