We are located at 201 East 56th Street, New York. Please call (212) 991-8680 or send us an email info@aprpc.com

Stress & Acupuncture

Stress is a normal and inevitable part of life, and a large contributing factor to infertility. It keeps us in this very “high-alert” phase, which allows us to keep busy and stay productive. On the flip side, stress can affect us negatively in many ways—especially if left unmanaged and occurring over a long period of time. It can lead to emotional, psychological, and even physical ailments and disorders. From a Chinese Medicine viewpoint, stress causes a disruption in the flow of vital energy, or Qi, through the body, allowing these imbalanced energies to deviate from their proper course; in turn throwing off the body. Finding ways to cope with stress is the key, so finding ways to alleviate the tension is important (and crucial) to maintaining a healthy life.


Through acupuncture, these energy blockages can be remedied to help energy flow smoothly, and alleviate the symptoms of stress and anxiety. One acupuncture session will not serve as an immediate cure for stress, but it is one part of a larger plan to keep things at bay and nurture a healthier life.

Ever feel any of the below:

  • anxiety or panic attacks
  • feelings of constant pressure, hassled and hurried
  • irritability and moodiness
  • physical symptoms such as stomach problems, headaches, or even chest pain
  • allergic reactions, such as eczema or asthma
  • problems sleeping
  • overindulgence in food, alcohol, smoking, or drugs
  • sadness or depression

Western mainstream has slowly come to recognize the benefits of acupuncture, and for over 15-years Iris Netzer has been working with men and women who seek balance in their lives through this non-Western alternative medicine. At Acupuncture RemediesTM, Iris gives prominence to women’s disorders and has had great success in treating a number of gynecological conditions, including fertility challenges, as well as a wide range of other ailments, like chronic pain, digestive orders, migraines and cosmetic acupuncture treatments.

For more information about creating a wellness plan and ways to tackle stress and infertility, reach out to Iris at her New York office- Acupuncture RemediesTM– 212.991.8680, www.aprpc.com.   Iris also recently opened her Westport, CT office.  Call 203-635-5151 to schedule, www.noacenter.com

For additional ways to increase chances of conceiving, contact the experts at New Hope Fertility Center today by calling 212-969-7422.