How To Summer, The Acupuncture Remedies Way
By Kim Finkelstein Ah, summer, the season of abundance. Summer is a special, magical time when most people allow themselves more time with friends and
We are located at 201 East 56th Street, New York. Please call (212) 991-8680 or send us an email
By Kim Finkelstein Ah, summer, the season of abundance. Summer is a special, magical time when most people allow themselves more time with friends and
While Acupuncture is a form of energy medicine for our body, Feng Shui is energy medicine for our environment and our life.
Our first blog written by Jessica Liu, L.Ac. Enjoy! “Did you know that the lack of sleep causes cancer”or “Sleep deprivation leads to serious health
Lyme disease is popping up more and more as a hot topic in the medical community. It is a highly debated and incompletely understood condition
Sarah’s first blog with us. Hope you enjoy: A Closer Look Stress and anxiety are part of daily life and it is something that
Pregnancy can be one of the most magical times in a woman’s life. Unfortunately along with that magic comes morning sickness, fatigue, back pain, constipation
Even though Spring just around the corner, with the recent blizzard and unseasonably cold weather we’ve been experiencing, it’s not unusual to feel those “winter
For many women, giving birth is an incredible, life-changing experience that can trigger many emotions—a lot of them being positive. However, for many women childbirth
You can book your appointment with us via email or through your ZocDoc account.
To schedule your acupuncture treatment or to find out how we can help you, please call (212) 991 8680 or send us an email Appointments are available early until late Monday-Saturday.
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Conveniently located in Midtown Manhattan